Sundays 9:30, Christmas Eve 6pm

Need a moment to hear from God? Day in - day out can get a little stressful and filled with so many things it's hard to hear God's voice. We gather to worship through music, prayer, reflecting on God's word, Holy Communion to draw close to God and be able to spread His word here in eastern Clay County and beyond. 

Join us Sundays at 9:30, live or livestreamed on Facebook or Youtube. We'll help you praise God in song, lift up your heart in prayer and dive into God's word together. If you have any questions aSK US!F Frind Out More!

If you're not sure how to follow God and don't know what questions to ask, TCC small groups offer a community to learn about God through the Bible and grow in love. Join a small group to learn more about God and love as extravagantly as God loves you.  aSK uS!

How can you talk about God so your kids will love God & avoid life's snares? TCC Kids (ages 4-10) can help you teach your kids to worship passionately as we begin in worship, love extravagantly as they meet during worship to talk about Bible stories. Then you can continue the conversation at home. Join us Sundays at 9:30 to worry less about your kids because you help them be like Jesus.   aSK uS!  bibles for kids  

talk with kids about God

Clay County is getting bigger and it's hard to know how to help people best. You can't do everything, but TCC can help you tithe to local charities, give and serve in Clay County and beyond, and invite people to know Jesus. Come witness boldly to bless those we can help and offer the love of Christ.  aSK US!

Click the button above for info on parking, communion, baptism, joining the church and more