Worship Passionately

With so many things competing for our time and attention, it's hard to hear God say, "I love you," and express our love in return. Draw close to God in worship, Sundays at 9:30, to minimize the distractions and live more fully in God.

Here's a link to our Youtube channel for previous sermons and below is more information about how we worship passionately. For any questions about worship, send us an email

Worship passionately

Life throws some big decisions at us. We might feel overwhelmed when another choice pops up. We don't want to get it wrong but how do we get it right?

Some of our biggest choices we can actually predecide, long before we have to make a decision. Long before we're tempted we can predecide how to handle that temptation. Long before we want to marry we can predecide the type of person we want to marry. We can predecide how we'll earn and spend money. And we can predecide how we'll lay down our lives for others before conflict arises.

Join us Sundays at 9:30 live, or livestreamed on Facebook or Youtube.

A few more things...

If you're wondering what to do with your kids, children are welcome to stay for the whole worship service or hang out in our Nursery or leave during the service for TCC Kids. Either way they will grow in God's love for them. 

Maybe it's been a while since you've experienced God's grace. God wants everyone to experience His grace that forgives us of our sins and helps us to follow Him closely through communion. You can receive communion every week and everyone, Christian or not, is invited to receive communion to experience the fullness of God's grace.

If you'd like not to leave hungry and get to know some folks, stick around after for coffee and refreshments so you feel less like a stranger and more like a friend.

Current and Previous Sermons

Glad you're revisiting a sermon/ catching up. Peruse the library below to find the sermon you're looking for. All sermons are grouped by series. And if you want the full worship service, they are available on our Facebook PageYoutube channel.